Friday, June 15, 2007

Repeat offender

In my lastblog, I ran into a parent who has lost sight of why his daughter plays. Well, he is back at it again. His duaghter is playing for her future high school in our summer league. Summer league. Coaches use this time to get all the players better. Teams work on the major concpets in their offense and defense. At the bench, all we keep track of is team fouls and total points. Nothing else. We just provide a service for the local high school teams.

On Thursday, I had to endure this parent again. I noticed him in the gym, isolated from all the other parents, at the end of the floor. As his daughter played, he was keeping her stats. Stats in summer league. I would love to know what he does with these stats. Is he sending them off to four year schools? Is he compling a list at home for his archives? I can't figure it out. After the first game, he came over to the table and wanted to match his numbers with ours. Our scorekeepers explained that they don't keep stats, and he huffed off.

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next four years to this young girl. I am hoping for the best.

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Two years old!

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